Handyman, News

How to drill glass (handyman tips)

Most of the people faced with such an action as drilling glass. However, collecting this work, it should be noted that virtually impossible to drill a hardened material – it cannot be pierced, and as a result of breaking. So be sure you know how to discern the quality of the glass. We have always tempered edge of treated material, and it has defects and dents, which are formed by the vat furnace.

There are several ways of how to drill glass. Let us consider the first of them. For this we need some tools: plasticine or masking tape; drill or screwdriver, which can adjust the momentum of rotation; water; felt-tip pen or marker. A need also tubular drill with diamond coating, the diameter of which will correspond to the diameter of the desired hole.

In order to make a hole, we mapped the desired diameter of the marker, i.e., outline the place where it is necessary to drill. With the help of plasticine on a path marker will make a circle, which looks like a groove. Only for the same purpose, you can use a piece of wood, having made a hole in it with the same drill.

If you use the above material, you need to attach the tape to the glass. And a wooden nashlopki hollow pour water. This is the place where you need to practice, it will be under the water. Don’t forget that the liquid must always be cold. It is necessary to cool the cut, so that when drilling the glass is broken. The water turns white. Since drilling glass is simply impossible without unformed glass powder in the process, then it is mixed with a liquid, and gives the same shade of white liquid.

Drilling must be very careful not to damage the glass. At the beginning we have to work at a maximum speed of rotation of the drill, because at small speeds possible beating materials. Even at low speeds, it is possible to converge towards the drill. But at high speeds it is not, and therefore much easier to work at such a pace.

When before the end of the process there is very little, it is necessary to reduce the speed of rotation of the diamond tip and pressure on the glass. If the exposure is not weakened, with the back side of a piece of material it can fall and thus make rough edge of the opening. Also, can not forget about the constantly jet of water in the hole nashlopki. Subsequently to the glass is not a crack, it is necessary after the smooth cut.